What does it take to adopt a good SEO strategy?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or natural referencing is a method to succeed in positioning oneself in the best ranking of Google search results. It is a set of techniques qualified as “natural”, i.e. without resorting to advertising, being qualitative and…

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How can you benefit from communication advice and creations?

To increase its market share and boost its sales, a company needs to implement effective communication strategies. These techniques allow to make the company or its products known. Depending on the company’s stage of life, type of activity, or target…

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How to make your PPC campaign a success?

Within the techniques used by marketers, there are many different types, all with essentially the same objectives, which are to sell newly manufactured products or services. It follows that, in this action, customer loyalty plays a major role through their…

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How to optimize your digital growth thanks to SEO ?

The terms SEO and SEA are derived from the English acronyms SEO for Search Engine Optimization and SEA for Search Engine Advertising. Search engine positioning is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic or paid…

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