Why Social Selling is the best Skill for Salespeople?

Social Selling

Being successful in business is all about building a regular stream of profitable revenue and there’s no doubt that social selling is a key strategy. It should help you achieve 40% more of your revenue goals than if you continue to pursue non-social methods. And while only 10% of buyers actually respond to the traditional cold call, up to 75% turn to some form of social media when deciding whether to make a purchase. Social selling can help increase your influence by up to seven times, effectively channelling buyers towards your sales funnel.


What is Social Selling?


It’s a sales technique that enables you to build a strong presence on a social media platform such as Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook. By following an interactive policy of displaying a genuine admiration for the product you’re selling, answering questions and sharing useful content, you can often double the traffic flowing into your sales funnel. But to make your selling effective, you need to develop your social skills.


Personality and Brand


Cultivating a sociable personality should enable you to engage more effectively with potential targets, making the task of prospecting for leads so much easier. Developing a warm personality that’s approachable and caring is usually far more successful at attracting an audience than an impersonal listing of your brand’s benefits. Be knowledgeable about your product and provide relevant information, but talk about it as you would to your closest friends. As an understated, almost casual form of selling, it’s possibly the most effective method yet of encouraging people to want to hear what you have to say. Your brand is relying on your charming, friendly performance to make it memorable.


Helpful Tools


Once you’ve built an audience that’s pleased to regularly meet up with you on your chosen social media platform, you can use a few tools to consolidate your effectiveness at selling. Using the right tool can help reduce by up to 39% the amount of time you would otherwise have to spend trying to find out more about your targets’ interests. Linkedin’s Sales Navigator is a professional package that provides an infinite number of leads with a high compatibility with your product through its powerful algorithms and search engine network. It helps you identify which targets could have the most potential to step into your sales funnel and be converted into a positive sale.


Social Listening


Your prospecting attempts can be all the more effective if you learn to listen. While selling sociably is mostly concentrated on you talking about your product’s merits, it’s also vital that you’re prepared to answer your audience’s questions. Every successful relationship in any sphere is based on an amicable conservation and this technique has friendly two-way conversations at its heart. Its purpose is to make the members of your audience feel valued and as if they and their opinions are worth far more than just plain sales figures.


Ultimate Selling Skill


Social selling has become the most profitable technique you can follow to increase traffic to your site. But to be effective it relies on your ability to build a meaningful relationship with your audience. If you’ve previously developed a traditional cold call or hard sell technique, you’ll need to soften your approach. Social selling is more about making friends on social media who trust you because in return, you value their opinions. Using your personality to engage effectively with your audience is the ultimate social selling skill.

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