Natural referencing, sponsored links, e-marketing, affiliation

Natural referencing also called SEO represents all the techniques that allow a site or a set of web pages to be favourably positioned in the first natural or organic results of search engines. This very useful practice in e-marketing includes several tools such as sponsored links, affiliation...

E-marketing: solution to increase online sales

Thanks to natural referencing, it is now possible to improve the profitability of Internet sales. E-marketing sites that call on agencies specialising in natural referencing benefit from a number of services in a natural referencing service and fast Internet visibility thanks to sponsored links and visible advertising on the net. Solutions to improve Internet sales also include the development of an online loyalty program. To achieve this, SEO specialists carry out creative projects, management and routing of loyalty mailings, the implementation of a customer loyalty program and a program associating loyalty in the store in connection with the website. The e-marketing project relating to online sales also involves the allocation of targeted files, with service affiliates joining the affiliation platforms, the launch of a virtual advertising campaign, the creation of buzz and the measurement of quantitative and qualitative returns from online communication efforts requiring an audit and analysis of audiences.

The concept of e-marketing: sponsored links

The major search engines have their own sponsored link management system also known under various names: commercial links or promotional links. The usefulness of sponsored links is that they allow a site to benefit from an immediate and optimal presence on search engines. In order for sponsored links to start being really profitable, it is recommended to choose at least 15 to 20 days for the duration of the campaign. This service allows you to follow the expenses in real time as well as the results of the campaigns.

Affiliation in the e-marketing field

The principle of affiliation consists in proposing an agreement between merchant sites and content sites that offers products for sale on the e-marketing site in return for a commission based on the amount of the transactions carried out. Affiliation can be carried out by cash back operations or price comparison sites. The main challenge of this SEO practice is that it multiplies the presence of a portal on several platforms thanks to advertising banners or texts.

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