Find a Webmarketing agency specializing in natural SEO / SEA

To optimize the number of visitors to your site, it is essential to appear at the top of the list on the various search engines. A good referencing makes it possible to achieve this. As this technique is already adopted by many companies, the competition is increasingly tough. It is essential to stand out from the crowd in order to have a maximum chance of turning your prospects into customers. How to optimize your natural referencing? What is the difference between SEO and SEA? How can an SEO agency help you? We tell you everything in this article.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a group of techniques to increase the web visibility of a site on the different search engines, mainly Google. It is therefore necessary to meet several criteria to get to the top of search results. This free technique is based on key words or expressions related to the website's activities. More concretely, these are the words that the Internet user types to find your site. Choosing key expressions is not enough to optimize the referencing of a page. It is also necessary to respect the markup, to have a mobile version of the site and to make sure that the pages load quickly. It is also necessary to distribute quality content to be recognized by search engines. Content must be relevant, fresh and up-to-date. Another way to optimize your SEO is by inserting internal and external links. This method improves your company's notoriety and increases its credibility. An SEO agency can apply all these steps for you. Indeed, optimizing a site can be difficult and time-consuming.

What is the difference between SEO and SEA?

Unlike SEO, SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is a paid technique that also improves the visibility of a website. This method consists in buying a better positioning on search engines. The latter propose keywords to buy and the advertiser chooses them according to his theme. As for natural referencing, the ranking of sponsored links also depends on the page loading time, the relevance of the contents and the choice of keywords... For each click made by an Internet user, the advertiser pays a certain amount of money, which is not the case for SEO. Paid referencing increases the chances of having visitors really interested in the products or services offered by the advertiser.

What criteria should be taken into account when choosing a SEO agency?

The choice of a web marketing agency is an unavoidable step to relieve you of the tedious tasks related to the optimization of your website. This choice must be based on several criteria. A good SEO agency must allow you to obtain convincing results by optimizing your e-reputation. Proximity is one of the first parameters to be taken into consideration, in order to facilitate the interviews with your webmarketing agency. This gives you the opportunity to exchange directly with your contact person and to meet his or her team. So, if you live in the capital, choose the services of a webmarketing agency in Paris or the surrounding area. It is also imperative to check the reliability of an SEO expert. To do so, visit his site and compare it with that of his competitors. Find out about the success rate of several SEO agencies and check the opinions of companies that have used their services. Indeed, choosing a web marketing agency is an important investment that should not be taken lightly. Determining an objective beforehand is also essential to prepare the budget to be devoted to the implementation of the optimization of your SEO, the procedure of which can take several months.

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